Changes in the Constantinopolitan interpretation of the right to grant autocephaly




autocephaly, Church, canon law, Patriarchate of Constantinople, Mother Church


This article focuses on presenting the contemporary position of the Patriarchate of Constantinople regarding the issue of autocephaly. The analysis takes into account the documents and statements of the Constantinopolitan superiors of the 20th century and verifies them with the regulations of canon law and the Orthodox ecclesiastical tradition. As a result of the conducted research, conclusions were drawn up that shift the essence of the problem from technical issues regarding the announcement of a formal act of independence towards defining clear rules regarding mutual relations, obligations and rights of autocephalous Churches.


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How to Cite

Ławreszuk, M. (2023). Changes in the Constantinopolitan interpretation of the right to grant autocephaly. Elpis, (25), 5–23.




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