Quietly or loudly? Separately or together? Behind the closed doors or openly? – questions provoked by the contemporary way of celebrating the Divine Liturgy





liturgics, worship, liturgical renewal, liturgical reform, Divine Liturgy, silent/secret prayers, Anaphora


The article analyses the problem of the silent/secret reading of Orthodox liturgical prayers, especially the Anaphora. It points to the original practice of saying them aloud, the origins and possible causes of silent reading, and its complex consequences. The description of contemporary practice and the history of attempts to return to reading the prayers aloud are linked to the history of Orthodox liturgical renewal in the 20th century, its current state and the question of the possibility of its further development.


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How to Cite

Misijuk, W. (2023). Quietly or loudly? Separately or together? Behind the closed doors or openly? – questions provoked by the contemporary way of celebrating the Divine Liturgy. Elpis, (25), 127–155. https://doi.org/10.15290/elpis.2023.25.14


