25 years of activity of University in Białystok Chair of Orthodox Theology





history, Chair of Orthodox Theology, theological education, Orthodox theology


The twenty-fifth anniversary of the Chair of Orthodox Theology at the University of Białystok (KTP) prompts not only memories of its inauguration, but also deeper reflection on its mission. In his inaugural speech Metropolitan Sawa (Hrycuniak), the founder and head of the Chair, clearly pointed to the history of Orthodox theological studies in Poland, emphasized the role of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology at the University of Warsaw, which operated in the years 1924-1939, and the need to continue its work. Formally and in many other respects, it was ensured by the Section of Orthodox Theology of the Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw, established after World War II, but there are many arguments in favor of ascribing the continuity to the activity of the Faculty also at the Chair of Orthodox Theology of the University of Białystok. The article contains a broad overview of various areas of activity of the KTP, prepared on the basis of annual reports on the Chair’s activities, as well as materials available in it's archives. The scope and diversity of individual spheres of activity suggest that the Chair’s activities to date are not only a continuation, but also a significant development of the work initiated by the Faculty of Orthodox Theology at the University of Warsaw.


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How to Cite

Misijuk, W. (2024). 25 years of activity of University in Białystok Chair of Orthodox Theology. Elpis, (26), 73–83. https://doi.org/10.15290/elpis.2024.26.07




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