The Content and Message of the Jesus Prayer with Particular Attention Given to the Teaching of St. Mark of Ephesus
prayer, Jesus prayer, prayer of the heart, theory, practice, sinAbstract
The article addresses the issue of the Jesus prayer as interpreted by the great man and father of the Church, St. Mark of Ephesus. The hierarch chiefly bases his reflections on the message found in Holy Scripture and patristic heritage. Particular attention is given to the difference between the Greek terms: θεωρία and πρᾶξις. Both of these words contained in the prayer have an exceptional message, both historically and theologically. The prayer of the heart, while short in content, and vast in meaning, reveals God’s wisdom and power. The fruits of this prayer, according to the holy hierarch, are enjoyed by those who do not simply admire it, but undertake the labour of practicing and nurturing it in daily life.
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