Basic assumptions of the christocentric-humanist model of religious education - the orthodox point of view




orthodox pedagogy, orthodox education, orthodox pedagogy of religion, religious education


Pedagogical issues for ages have inspired teachers to create new theories, searching for ways and means which would allow them to attain the maximum results in the process of obtaining a complete personal maturity by the pupil. The great number of new pedagogical systems demonstrates beyond a doubt the fundamental importance of education. Education is integrally linked to the existence of human beings and co-creates the whole of human reality. A person sees himself and improves himself through interactions with his neighbours and acquaintances. The process of education is the road for the attainment of the fullness of individual life and cannot take place in a vacuum. In the classically accepted methodology of knowledge, the way to the goal, or the method, for the most part must be defined by the actual subject of research. Therefore, if we want to make the Christian model of education the subject of reflection, we must start with the human person who is in need of formulating his thought patterns, vocabulary and his frame of mind in all the aspects of his existence. Before we ask ourselves how and what it means to educate a human being, we must answer the question „What vision of man is connected to the basis of the Christian model of upbringing ?”. The purpose of this article is a short explication of the basic principles of the christocentric-humanistic model of upbringing that could be the point of reference in creating concrete educational strategies.


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How to Cite

Aleksiejuk, A. (2020). Basic assumptions of the christocentric-humanist model of religious education - the orthodox point of view. Elpis, (22), 107–112.




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