Development of the list of sources of the “Dictionary of Polish Orthodox Terminology”
Orthodox terminology, Orthodoxy, Orthodox Church, dictionary, lexicon, doctrine, law, practiceAbstract
The Polish Orthodox terminology has not been yet thoroughly elaborated or clearly defined. Wishing to fill this gap, a group of Orthodox theologians and linguists undertook the task of developing “Dictionary of Polish Orthodox Terminology”. The first practical stage of this work (apart from the preliminary definition of the scope of the vocabulary) has become the preparation of a possibly full list of basic sources, from which the vocabulary will be excerpted, which will be defined in the dictionary. In order to prepare a list of words and terms to the dictionary, two areas of sources related to the lexicon concerning Orthodoxy were distinguished: non-specialized sources and specialized sources. The first group includes dictionary and lexicographic sources, including: general dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries and reference books as well as specialist dictionaries and reference books, i.e. specific to Orthodoxy. The second group includes bibliographic items on various aspects of teaching, broadly understood life, organization and activities of the Orthodox Church, which have been grouped into three sections: doctrine, law and practice. The article discusses the process of distinguishing those sources that have been recognized by the abovementioned a group of researchers for basic. They were briefly discussed and presented in a chronological order as part of the article. In addition, the research team considered it necessary to prepare a “Bibliography” of other sources, which, if possible, will be also used during the development of entry articles. The list of selected basic non-specialized and specialized sources seems to be so complete that, based on it, it is possible to get rid of
the complete list of words and terms that will be presented in the “Dictionary of Polish Orthodox Terminology”.
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