Kosowo jako kolebka i skarbiec serbskiej duchowości w historii oraz współczesnej świadomości wschodnich Słowian
https://doi.org/10.15290/elpis.2013.15.12Ключевые слова:
Kosowo i Metochia, literatura, kontakty, historia, świadomość, Serbowie, Rosjanie, Białorusini, UkraińcyАннотация
In this paper, the author reveals and analyses the presence of remembrance of Kosovo and Metohija – the cradleof Serbian statehood, the seat of the Serbian Orthodox Church and a treasury of Serbian culture – in the historical and
current awareness of Eastern Slavs. Kosovo and Metohija is analysed as the main topic of Serbology in Eastern Slavic
literatures. The term “Eastern Slavs” has concrete historical meanings:1) the Russian people, that is, its ethno-spiritualcultural
community in the past; 2) Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians in the more recent past.
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