An Attempt to Interpret the Concept of «Mystery» in Relation to the Divine Liturgy and Church Temple


  • Artur Aleksiejuk Chrześcijańska Akademia Teologiczna w Warszawie



Divine Liturgy, anamnesis, mystery, paganism, christianity, temple, church


This article is an attempt to look at the most important events in the history of salvation from a liturgical perspective. This reflection begins with an etymological and theological interpretation of the concept of «anamnesis» (ανάμνησις) and «mystery» (μυστήρὶα), which have fundamental significance in the liturgical practice of the Orthodox Church. This reflection also serves as an occasion to emphasise the necessity of a continual search for answers to questions which have always had crucial importance for the life and experience of the Church as a human-divine community of the faithful: for Christians, what is the liturgical commemoration of the life and death of the Saviour Jesus Christ, from His Incarnation to Ascension into Heaven to be seated at the Right Hand of the Father? Although the liturgical gift of commemoration is a mystery, it takes place in the Temple Church. This is therefore a visible sign of the invisible, deifying and saving grace of the Triune God, which loves mankind and the world which He created and longs to be “all in all”.


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How to Cite

Aleksiejuk, A. (2016). An Attempt to Interpret the Concept of «Mystery» in Relation to the Divine Liturgy and Church Temple. Elpis, (18), 93–99.




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