Saint rulers as a category of sanctity in Orthodoxy
saints, saint rulers, passion-bearers, category of sanctityAbstract
In the wide spectre of Orthodox human sanctity, among others, there is also a category of saint rulers. Despite the fact that it’s represented by a significant number of saints, it remains, utterly undeservedly, in the shadow of the others – more known or more deeply rooted historically. On top of that, the situation may result as well from the fact that saint rulers, as a distinct category of saint, are not separately mentioned neither during the proskomedia, nor during the intercessory prayer of the anaphora. Still, the saint rulers definitely should be considered a separate type of sanctity, deserving a somehow wider presentation. Such is therefore the aim of this article.
It is also an attempt of suggesting an interior systematic of this category of sanctity. Preserving, appearing in science, classifications of the saint rulers, the author gives also his own proposition. In the category of saint rulers there are four following groups: (1) rulers
who weren’t neither martyrs nor monks or passion-bearers, (2) rulers who died martyrs, (3) rulers who long before their death became monks and led monastic life, (4) rulers-passion-bearers.
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