Artemis and Thecla. Τhe Meeting of the Ancient Goddess with the Christian Female Apostolic Saint in the First Four Centuries of Christianity (Historical and Comparative Reflections)



Ключевые слова:

Isapostle, Paul the Apostle of Nations, goodness


The paper’s subject is about the interaction between the cult of the goddess Artemis and the cult of St Thecla of Iconium throughout the Eastern Mediterranean in the initial four centuries of Christianity in particular. The phenomenon is investigated regarding the literature, the cities, social groups and personalities mostly associated with the cultural meeting of the free-spirited but fearsome goddess protector of the wilderness, virginity and childhood with the virgin heroine of the Cross and alleged apostolic companion of Paul for spreading the Logos of life to the nations.


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Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Despotis, S. (2022). Artemis and Thecla. Τhe Meeting of the Ancient Goddess with the Christian Female Apostolic Saint in the First Four Centuries of Christianity (Historical and Comparative Reflections). Elpis, (24), 127–130.




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