Individual Eschatology in Hesychasm and Modern "New Humanism"
artificial neural networks, Gregory Palamas, hesychasm, individual eschatology, posthumanismAbstract
The paper is dedicated to the confrontation of individual eschatology according to the Late Byzantine hesychasm with the contemporary futurological views of transhumanism, posthumanism and other related theories, doctrines, hypothesis and conceptions, which are here mentioned under the common name of “new humanisms”. The peculiarity of hesychastic theology is in its belief in a human being’s capability to perceive uncreated divine light (the Tabor Light) and divine energies in his earthly life through tacit prayer and other “smartactivities”. Such perception means the start of a Christian’s transfiguration process for future eternal life. Hesyhasm is thoroughly humanistic and could be an alternative for contemporary futurology, taking into account the acute crisis of modern secular and post-Christian humanism and humanistic values.
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