Świętość człowieka w nauczaniu Kościoła Prawosławnego
https://doi.org/10.15290/elpis.2010.12.08Ключевые слова:
świętość człowieka, nauczanie Kościoła prawosławnego, cel życia chrześcijańskiego, przebóstwienie, pokora, dusza i ciało, święciАннотация
What are sanctity and transfiguration of human being? In what way we can define these concepts?
Human plays active role in such process. The Holy Bible accepts free choice of human between Good and Evil, as a natural condition of human responsibility.
In what way Saints practiced their asceticism and approached to transfiguration of their souls and bodies? Mysteries of Saints we repenance and humility.
The true aim of Christian life are gathering the Holy Ghost and being in Unity with Him. Shortage of food, pray to God, charity and all Good which we do in the name of Jesus Christ are means to unification process with the Holy Ghost.
The true aim of our life is transfiguration process which concerns ours souls and bodies.
We will be punish for lack of success in such transfiguration and for not becoming as a Jesus Christ on the base of His grace.
Unity with God, feeling of God presence, love to every human being are necessary attributes of human sanctity and necessary conditions for human transfiguration.
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