„Do this in memory of me!” Eastern versus Western understanding of the eucharistic anamnesis


  • Szczepan Kaleciak Wydział TEologiczny UPJPII




Anaphora, anamnesis, Divine Liturgy, Eucharist, Eastern liturgy


The concept of liturgical anamnesis refers to the remembering of God's acts, which makes them present and actualised in every celebration. Both Latin and Orthodox theology emphasise the anamnetic dimension of liturgical celebration. However, there are important differences between individual liturgical practices and their theological understanding. This article attempts to explore the nature and extent of these differences. Are these merely different formulations due to distinct liturgical traditions and practices, or do the differences concern the essence of the understanding of the Eucharist as a memorial? In order to answer this question, the first part of this article will discuss the biblical understanding of the concept of anamnesis, which is common to both Latin and Eastern theology. This will be done using the historical-genetic method. In the second part, the understanding of anamnesis in the Latin Church will be presented as it results from an analysis of the Eucharistic Prayers used by that Church. For this purpose, the author will employ the method of analysis and interpretation of liturgical texts. The third part will attempt to characterise the Orthodox theology of anamnesis.


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How to Cite

Kaleciak, S. (2024). „Do this in memory of me!” Eastern versus Western understanding of the eucharistic anamnesis. Elpis, (26), 149–155. https://doi.org/10.15290/elpis.2024.26.12




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