The Human Family in the Aspect of the Eden Paradigm. A Scriptural and Patristic Analysis


  • Marian Bendza Katedra Historii Kościoła Powszechnego i Autokefalicznych Kościołów Prawosławnych Chrześcijańska Akademia Teologiczna w Warszawie



The Book of Genesis, the patristic mind, human being, creation, family


The Eden paradigm and the human family are presented here not in opposition, but in their complementary character. The paradigm of Eden permits us to better illustrate the problem of family life and family community reveals human dignity and one’s potential to believe. The author of this article did not use any form of proselytism, but in contrast, only would like to present existential, biblical and patristic truths.
The paradigm of Eden, according to the author, consists of three elements: a relationship with God, equal dignity for men and women and openess to religion (theosis). Thanks to these elements, we can also understand the dignity of the family, which is not only a “cell” of society, but above all of the Church.


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How to Cite

Bendza, M. (2016). The Human Family in the Aspect of the Eden Paradigm. A Scriptural and Patristic Analysis. Elpis, (18), 51–56.


