The Messianistic Idea in the Orthodox Church. Messianism in the testament of Saint Prince Lazarus




messianistic ideas, Vidovdan, Prince Lazarus’s testament, Kosovo testament, Orthodoxy


In this text we will try to discuss the concept of the messianistic ideas in Orthodoxy. Among the existing ideas, we will
focus our attention on the ideas associated with the testament of Saint Prince Lazarus. The present text will allow us to
note the similarities connecting Kosovo testament with the Messianic ideas, and shows the significant differences between
them. The text will show Kosovo testament in the spirit of Orthodox theology and spirituality. Teaching, which gave
Saint Prince Lazarus is an example of Christian spirituality that goes beyond the temporality and carries moral values
based on the Holy Gospel and Holy Tradition.


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How to Cite

Ławreszuk, M. (2014). The Messianistic Idea in the Orthodox Church. Messianism in the testament of Saint Prince Lazarus. Elpis, (15), 181–186.


