Weneration of the icons of Theotokos in Orthodox parishes of Bialystok





Mother of God, icon, Bialystok, Orthodoxy


One of the essential elements of Orthodox sacred architecture is elements of the temple's equipment. Some, related to interior design, are utilitarian, while others have a sacral feature, constituting objects of worship. Icons play a significant role in the equipment of Orthodox churches. Their location in the church is associated with elaborate schemes and rules. Those in the iconostasis separate the nave from the presbyterium. Each of them, depicting biblical scenes or figures of God and saints, has its specific place. There also are icons in the central nave, on frescoes, and on polychromes. This article focuses on showing icons outside the iconostasis. They designate new places of worship in the central nave of the Orthodox churches. These are locally revered icons associated with a specific temple or town. Among them, the most common are images of the Virgin Mary. On the example of the extensive parish network of the Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church in Bialystok in Podlaskie Voivodeship, the author attempts to show the diversity of iconographic images as well as will try to find elements connecting various types of icons of the Virgin Mary present in Orthodox churches in Bialystok. The author decided to concentrate on those iconographic representations that apart from architectural and artistic value carry a sacral charge, i.g. subjects of a unique cult in local communities.

The aim of this article is to present the icons of the Mother of God from Orthodox churches in Bialystok which are locally venerated and to try to systematize the elements of this cult manifested in services, individual worship and inspirations and references.


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How to Cite

Musiuk, T. (2023). Weneration of the icons of Theotokos in Orthodox parishes of Bialystok. Elpis, (25), 81–86. https://doi.org/10.15290/elpis.2023.25.08




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