The Religious factor in the formation of the historical memory of the people of Belarus (the example of Orthodox Church in Belarus in 1941-1945)
the Great Patriotic War, historical repentance, post-Soviet society, historical memory, Belarusian people, Russian Orthodox Church, truth, realityAbstract
The end of the twentieth century is marked by the emergence of a particular discourse of historical memory in the context of national identity, and the emergence of a new epistemology, which was indicated by such concepts as “historical repentance” and “post-Soviet society,” and relativization of the concepts such as “truth” and “reality.” The aim of this paper is to identify historical memory as a memory of the historical path of the Belarusian people, to show the positive and negative aspects of the history of this nation during the Great Patriotic War, and to show the role of the Orthodox Church in Belarus in 1941-1945. This topic still requires further research.
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