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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The file to be sent is prepared based on a template downloaded from the journal's website.
    Template to download, text of the article in Polish: LINK
    Template to download, text of the article in English: LINK
    Template to download, , text of the article in Russian: LINK
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • The application will be sent to the editorial office's e-mail address: In an additional attachment, the Author / Authors, together with the application, submit the completed form and the author's declaration:
    LINK TO THE STATEMENT (required printout, signature / signatures and return of the scanned document).

Author Guidelines

The editorial board accepts scientific articles in Polish, English and Russian for publication. Each article is subject to a review procedure by two independent third-party reviewers. In addition to articles, the editorial board also publishes informative, evaluative and polemical reviews (up to 5 typewritten pages).

We recommend that you familiarise yourself with the subject characteristics of the journal and the main requirements related to the article, located in the sections: About the journal, Publishing Ethics and Criteria for acceptance or rejection of the article. The editorial board reserves the right to select works for subsequent editions.


Work submission procedure:

  1. Submission of the article is possible only via the submission form on the journal's website ( or electronically to the editorial email address
  2. The author(s) must fill in the form and send it to the editorial office ( the following documents:
    1. metadata of the author(s) and the proposed article: download form – Polish, Russian and English versions.
    2. A completed and signed license agreement, a statement about the originality of the article, a statement about familiarisation with the journal's ethical standard, and a statement about the author's contribution to the creation of the article; LINKS TO THE APPLICATIONS AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT: Polish; English; Russian.
    3. In the case of the authorship of two or more people, each of the authors shall sign a license agreement and a statement indicating the quality share of the text by each of the authors.
    4. The authors indicate the email address of the person who will exchange correspondence on the article.
  3. If the article contains materials with a copyright clause (for example, illustrations, quotations), the author(s) must attach the consent of the copyright data owner to the publication of such materials in their work.
  4. Personal data and email address are not transferred to third parties.
  5. The article must meet the Formal and Technical Requirements and Standards of citation and bibliographic Descriptions. Texts that do not meet the specified requirements will not be accepted for printing. 


Formal and technical requirements:
  1. The article should be prepared using the editorial template. Downloadable template for the text of the article in Polish. Downloadable template for article text in English. Downloadable template for article text in Russian. The template uses styles that should be adapted to individual elements of the article.
  2. The structure of the article must separate subsequent sections. We recommend using the IMRAD standard, in which each letter indicates the subsequent parts of the published text: I - Introduction, M - Materials and methods, R - Results, D - Discussion.
    1. Introduction - should include research objectives and hypotheses, characteristics of the research subject. It should indicate what has been studied and why the research problem is important. In the introduction, we can include information about the state of current research (Literature Review).
    2. Materials and methods - can be combined with the introduction or separated into an independent section. They should present the methods used, description of procedures, criteria used for selection/selection of research materials, etc.
    3. Results - can be separated into several separate sections in which we present the research results.
    4. Discussion or Research Conclusions. The final section of the article should be an interpretation of the research results, an indication of their importance, the possibility of conducting further research and their possible directions. If we presented a research hypothesis in the introduction, this section should indicate whether it has been confirmed.
  3. The volume of the article must be at least 0.5 publishing sheets (20 thousand characters with spaces), but not exceed 1 publishing sheet (40 thousand characters with spaces).
  4. Any drawings, graphs, graphic symbols, etc. must be in the pdf, tiff format in a resolution of at least 300 dpi. 
  5. Tables, graphs, figures or appendices should have their own serial number, description and indication of the place of publication included in the article.
  6. The article should be supplemented with metadata (link to metadata – section Procedure for submission of entries):
    1. name and surname of the Author(s),
    2. title research unit (University, faculty, Institute/Department),
    3. country
    4. the ORCID number,
    5. email address,
    6. a short biography of the author.
  7. The author must enter the following data in Polish and English (and additionally in Russian, if the article is written in Russian):
    1. The title of the article (up to 12 words, containing as much information as possible, unambiguous, understandable),
    2. Key words (3-5 words)
    3. Abstract (up to 1500 characters, informative – briefly describing the content of the text; within the permissible number of characters, please indicate: why the article was created, how the research was carried out and what was the subject of the research, and what conclusions or new information it contains)
    4. If the article has a subtitle, it must be entered in the application form in both Polish and English (and additionally in Russian, if the article is written in Russian).
    5. In the case of funding from external sources, they should be included in the application form by including a provision which will be published in the final version.



Standards for citation and bibliographic descriptions of articles published in the Elpis journal 

Standards for citation:

Citation must be made in accordance with the current API standard (6th Edition). The API Standards Reference can be found at the following address:

The editors have prepared a citation and bibliography style file in *.csl format, which can be used in bibliography programs. Link to the ELPIS-PL citation style file (as of September 29, 2023). The file can be installed in bibliography managers. Selecting the "Elpis-PL" style will allow you to automatically generate a citation or reference.

Citation can be developed with the use of free bibliography systematisation programs that support the APA 6th Edition format, for example: Mendeley (, Zotero ( It is recommended to use citation generators in the online version (e.g. These applications correspond to the English standard, so in the final version it is necessary to make a "polonisation" of the entries, i.e. replace English characters and abbreviations with their Polish counterparts, for example:„&” for „i”, „et al.” for „i in.”, „eds.”, „ed.” for „red.”, „in press” for „w druku”, „vol.” for „t.”, etc.

We encourage you to enter citations in the Word editor using the tools in the "References" menu. To indicate the source, select the "Insert citation" icon or use additional Word toolbars that appear after installing bibliography management programs (including Mendeley, Zotero and other citation managers). Using citation tools allows you to create and update a bibliographic list. In the appropriate place in the article template, just execute the command: "References", "Insert Bibliography" (Mendeley), or "Bibliography" (Ms Word) menu.




Two types of footnotes are distinguished by their functions. These are: footnotes that supplement the main information contained in the main text (content footnotes), and footnotes that inform about copyright (copyright permission footnotes).

You should limit the use of additional footnotes to a minimum.

All footnotes should be numbered sequentially, as they appear in the text, using Arabic numerals. In the text, these numbers take the form of superscripts. Each footnote should be placed at the bottom of the page containing the content it links to.


Rules for quoting in the text:

One author: no matter how many times the work is mentioned, the author's name and the date of publication of the work should always be indicated. In the case of more than one work by this author published in the same year, you must add the following letters of the alphabet in the date (for example, 2001a), this rule also applies in the case of more authors of this work.

Examples: As stated by Kowalski (2001)... Research shows that ... (Kowalski, 2001).

Two authors: no matter how many times the work is mentioned, you should always specify the names of both authors and the date of publication of the work. For more than one work by these authors published in the same year, the following letters of the alphabet must be added. The authors 'names should always be combined with the Polish conjunction "i", even in the case of a reference to a foreign publication.

Examples: As Kowalski and Novak (1999) note... Research shows that ... (Kowalski i Novak, 1999). 


3-5 authors: if mentioned for the first time, you should name all the authors, separating them with commas and putting the Polish conjunction "i" between the last two names. For subsequent references to the same work, you can use the term "and colleagues" (if the sentence structure mentions surnames) or the Polish term “i in.” (meaning “et al.” if the authors' names are not part of the sentence structure).

Examples: 1. First mention: As suggested by Novak, Kowalski, and Jankiewicz (2003)... studies (Novak, Kowalski, and Jankiewicz, 2003) show that ... 2. Subsequent references: Research by Novak and colleagues (2003) shows that ... These studies (Nowak i in., 2003) …

6 or more authors: only the first author's name must be mentioned, both in the first and subsequent references. The other authors should be listed as colleagues (in the sentence structure), or replaced with the abbreviation “i in.” (meaning “et al.” if the names are not part of the sentence structure). The names of all the authors of the work should be included in the cited literature.

Examples: Novakovsky and his colleagues claim that ... (1997). The first studies on this topic (Nowakowski i in., 1997) 


Mentioning several works at once: they should be listed in alphabetical order, by the name of the first author. References to subsequent works should be separated by semicolons and placed in parentheses. Years of publication of works by the same author(s) should be separated by commas.

Examples: (Kowalski, 2001; Nowak i Kowalski, 1999) (Kowalski, 1997, 1999, 2004a, 2004b; Nowak i Kowalski, 1999)


Mentioning another author in the work (Link to link): we use in the text, and we put only the work we have read in the cited literature.

Examples: As shown by Nowakowski (1990; za: Zenecka, 2007)... Research shows that ... (Novakovsky, 1990; za: Zenecka, 2007). 


Absence of the author: you must specify the title, year, and pages of the publication. If there is no year, you must specify the date of reading or the copyright. 

Example: (Divine Liturgy of our Holy Father John Chrysostom, 2001).

Quoting an excerpt from the work: always indicate the author(s), the year of publication of the work and the page number (e.g. Kowalski, 1992, s. 224). When the quoted passage has more than 40 words, it should be placed in a separate indented paragraph, without quotation marks. When the quoted passage is shorter than 40 words, it should be placed in the main text line, in quotation marks.

Table: numbering sequentially throughout the text in Arabic numerals. The table title should be written in italics, and the word "table" and its number should be written in regular font. The table title should be placed above the table and written in the next line under the word "table" and its number. In the title, you should put a dot after the number and at the end of the title.

Picture: the name of the picture should be written in the usual font, and the word "picture" and its number - in italics. The name of the drawing should be placed under the drawing, and the numbering should be entered in Arabic numerals. In the title, put a period after the number and at the end of the title. The name should be written immediately after the word "drawing" and its number, that is, in one line.

Online sources: the description is the same as in the paper version of the article. Instead of the name of the publisher and the place of issue, write the word "[online]" in square brackets and specify the web address, followed by the date of access in square brackets. The structure of the record: Last name, first letter of the name. (year). The title of the article. Journal name, volume (number), pages. [online], web page address [access date]

Example: Kmietowicz, F. (1994). Kiedy Kraków był trzecim Rzymem. [online], [7.11.2018]


The bibliographic list is described by the heading "Bibliography". The list can only contain works mentioned or cited in the text that have been read by the author of the article. It is not necessary to include  a list of works mentioned in the work by other authors in the bibliography. Do not number/label the works in the list. You need to write down each new work from a new line. The works are listed in alphabetical order by the first author's last name. Foreign works should be listed in their original form and placed in a separate bibliographic list. The works of the same author should be listed in alphabetical order of the titles of the works. Works without an author are arranged in alphabetical order, based on the title.

The use of the bibliography manager allows you to automatically prepare a bibliography based on the references entered in the text. Tools for generating bibliographies in a text editor are available for most popular bibliography managers (including the free Mendeley and Zotero).

 If the article has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number, you should specify it at the end of the bibliographic record.

Bibliographic entries written in Cyrillic should have a transliterated version corresponding to PN-ISO 9: 2000. Transliteration must be performed automatically on the page by selecting the PN-ISO 9:2000 transliteration system. Place the entry in Cyrillic in square brackets after the transliterated entry. 

Example: Skaballanovich, M. (2004). Tolkovyj Tipikon. Ob"yasnitel'noe iz"yasnenie Tipika s istoricheskim vvedeniem. Moskva: Izdanie Sretenskogo monastyrya [Скабалланович, М. (2004). Толковый Типикон. Объяснительное изъяснение Типика с историческим введением. Москва: Издание Сретенского монастыря]. 

Example of a book description: Kowalski, P. i Nowak, A. (2001). Historia Kościoła prawosławnego na ziemiach polskich. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo XYZ.

Example of a book description without an author: Boska Liturgia świętego ojca naszego Jana Chryzostoma. (2001). Warszawa: Warszawska Metropolia Prawosławna.

Example of a section description in a book (for example, in the third volume): Milczewski, A. (1995). Prawosławna teologia moralna. W: P. Mroziński (red.), Teologia prawosławna (t. 3, s. 235-302). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo XYZ.

Example of a description of a book published on the Internet: Kmietowicz, F. (1994). Kiedy Kraków był trzecim Rzymem. [online], [7.11.2018].

Example of a description of an article in a journal: Borkowski, A. (2019). Ekumenizm a realizacja misyjnego posłannictwa Kościoła w kontekście dokumentów Wszechprawosławnego Synodu na Krecie. Elpis, (21), 93-97.

Example of a report or a poster description: Kropiwnicka, A. (2007). Święta ruchome kalendarza juliańskiego. Referat wygłoszony na III Konferencji Towarzystwa Teologii Praktycznej, Kraków.

Example of an unpublished work description: Kędyś, G. (2015). Pierwsza niepubliczna szkoła prawosławna w Polsce. Unpublished master's thesis, University of Białystok, Białystok.

Example of a scientific work in print description: Charkiewicz, J. (in print). Święci Kościoła prawosławnego. Czasopismo Teologiczne, 20.

Example of a description of an edited volume: Tomaszuk, A. (red.). (2002). Antropologia M. Bierdiajewa. Kraków: Wydawnictwo ZYX.

Example of a description of a book written in Russian: Skaballanovich, M. (2004). Tolkovyj Tipikon. Ob"yasnitel'noe iz"yasnenie Tipika s istoricheskim vvedeniem. Moskva: Izdanie Sretenskogo monastyrya [Скабалланович, М. (2004). Толковый Типикон. Объяснительное изъяснение Типика с историческим введением. Москва: Издание Сретенского монастыря].


Other examples:

  •     Cabasilas, N. (1974). The Life in Christ. New York: St Vladimir’s Seminary Press.
  •     Clement, O. (1998). Prawda was wyzwoli. Rozmowy z patriarchą ekumenicznym Bartłomiejem I. (M. Żurowska, Tłum.). Warszawa.
  • Dvorkin, A. (2005). Ocherki po istorii Vselenskoj Pravoslavnoj Cerkvi. Nizhnij Novgorod: Izdatel'stvo Bratstva vo imya sv. knyazya Aleksandra Nevskogo [Дворкин, А. (2005). Очерки по истории Вселенской Православной Церкви. Нижний Новгород: Издательство Братства во имя св. князя Александра Невского].
  •     Evdokimov, P. (1964). Prawosławie. Warszawa.
  •     Kostiuczuk, J. (2014). Bogoczłowieczeństwo Chrystusa w tekstach liturgicznych świętego Jana Damasceńskiego. Białystok: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku.
  •     Pringle, D. (2007). The Churches of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem. A Corpus, vol. 3. The City of Jerusalem. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  •     Taft, R. F. (1975). The Great Entrance. A History of the Transfer of Gifts and other Preanaphoral Rites of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. Rome: Pontificio Istituto Orientale.

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The full texts of the articles are published in open access under the Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license - Attribution-On the same terms ( 

Personal data and e-mail address are not shared with third parties. Articles are deposited on the journal's website, in indexing databases and institutional repositories (Repository of the University of Białystok, Podlasie Digital Library).