Review process

Each article published in the Elpis journal is subject to a review procedure. The current list of collaborating reviewers is published on the journal's website and is printed annually.

To evaluate each publication, two reviewers are appointed – these are specialists of this scientific discipline who are not members of the scientific unit affiliated with the author of the publication. If the ratings differ, the editor may appoint additional reviewers.

Reviews are prepared in the "double-blind Review process" system, which means that the author or authors of the publication and the reviewers do not know each other.

The review has a written form and contains an unambiguous statement of the reviewer about the admission of the article to publication or its rejection. The review focuses on the content level, the originality and validity of the research, the methodology, the correctness of the conclusions and the way they are presented. The review must be fair, objective, reliable, constructive, consistent with the available knowledge and completed in a timely manner.

The criteria for acceptance or rejection of the publication, as well as a possible review form, are published on the journal's website.

The reviewer must disclose possible cases of plagiarism, suspicions of plagiarism or excessive (duplicate) publication, as well as shortcomings in the citation of data (data manipulation). The reviewer should not use any knowledge about the reviewed work before its publication.

Each peer-reviewed article is treated as a confidential document. It is not provided or discussed with other persons without the permission of the editor. The names of the reviewers of individual articles or publications of the journal are not disclosed.

According to the recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the list of reviewers is published on the journal's website and is published annually in a printed version.


Criteria for accepting or rejecting an article

Research on topics related to theology, culture, and Orthodox history is accepted for publication. The journal accepts only previously unpublished works.

The editorial board publishes articles in Polish, English and Russian.

The Elpis journal accepts materials that have not been published before. All articles are reviewed before publication.

The article is accepted for review after following the editorial rules set out in the section Recommendations for authors.

Each publication is subject to evaluation by two non-author reviewers. The publication of the article is conditional on two positive reviews.

Written reviews shall end with a statement: accept the article for publication, reject the article, accept the article for publication after reviewing the reviewer's comments, or accept the article for publication after a review of comments and re-approval by the reviewer.

The review is submitted to the author of the article without specifying the name of the Reviewer, in order to give the author the opportunity to take it into account.


Guidelines for reviewers

Before starting the review, the reviewer must fill out a statement on the absence of a conflict of interest.

The editorial board asks the reviewer to conduct a fair scientific analysis and fill out the review form. The editorial board asks the reviewers to conduct a review in accordance with the requirements published in the section Publishing Ethics, and send the form within 6 weeks from the date of sending the article for review.

The following points should be described and evaluated in detail in the review:

  • The general structure and content of the work,
  • subject value, stylistic and editorial correctness,
  • Reference to the current state of knowledge and achievements in the humanities and social sciences,
  • content or fragments that may have been borrowed from other works.